Saturday, April 05, 2008

Simple CMS for Windows SharePoint Services

Thanks Mike for your video!Working with Heather and the team at Pixelmill is a great experience. We are sure that more great work will come out of that cooperation.Overview of new simpleCMS templates for WSS from for more info see

Video: Simple CMS for Windows SharePoint Services

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Problems opening and editing Excel files from SharePoint? (Windows Vista?)

When using Windows Vista there is a special annoyance when working with files stored on a SharePoint 3 document library. I just lost one hour finding a solution and I would like to share it with all of you cursing Windows Vista.

The symptom is: all the files are opened in "read only" mode, therefore is not possible to edit the files and saving them on the same document. Excel pushes you to save it locally, and that is certainly terrible because then you have to upload the files to the SharePoint complicating the work and of course multiplying the chances of overwriting the wrong version of the same document.

What you need to do is to "Check out" the document. Then you can work as you did with Windows XP.
Then there are some other interesting ways of working with that system of checking in out. But that will be covered in a future post.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Simple CMS for SharePoint

Definitively Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) is one of the most powerful web collaboration tools available. It is so easy to edit that many dreamed to have it for editing their company web sites.
Out of the box WSS looks a bit boring and that's why many opted for other kind of solutions for web sites:

Pixelmill just announced the SharePoint Simple CMS, and that is actually the solution to the boring look of WSS plus some enhancements in the editing capabilities. Pixelmill's great graphic design templates are now editable! and with a SharePoint hosting service you could have your web site running in minutes (depending on the service).

B4Contact, the company I work for, developed the SharePoint Simple CMS in cooperation with Pixelmill. Boris Gomiunik is responsible for the development of SharePoint Simple CMS and he is serious about WSS as you could see on his Blog.

Here some samples of web sites working with the SharePoint Simple CMS:

You can see more samples in

I personally think this will help thousands of organizations and individuals to have a powerful Web site, editable from the same browser and with possibilities of having collaboration intranets or project based web sites. I think Schools and small business will be the most interested.
Some of the characteristics:

  • Editable from the browser
  • RSS feeds enabled
  • Picture gallery integrated with the CMS
  • Different levels of authentication
If you would like to know more contact me or simply visit