Tuesday, March 27, 2007

DVD regions

I'm a fan of Original (enemy of piracy) and because of that I buy original software, music, books and also DVDs.
But I have a problem, I received some DVDs from US and they can't be played in a DVD player set for a different region. I live in Europe and the zone I have set on my computer's DVD player is region 2.
In the case of Windows Media Player or Itunes it is easy to change the region and switch them to the one you need to see your DVDs, but the switching process can be used only five times!
After that the DVD player will be locked permanently. Today my kids wanted to see a very especial DVD for zone 1 so I had to try to solve the problem and I found a solution that in 2 minutes solved the problem. It is a free software called "Remote selector". You can read about how to use it and even download it from this page: http://www.gromkov.com/faq/faq2004-0063.html
As owner of Original DVDs I think it is of good use to have right of using the DVD wherever I am and no matter the player. I see on the stores some players that are region free so I think the usage of software like Remote Selector is legal. In any case you would like to make your own research. I found an article in Wikipedia that is interesting to learn more about this issue.


Raf M | 6:41 AM  

This region-glitch is getting at everybody, even Mac users. Nevertheless, kudos to the past year's innovators (like the OPPO DV-970HD, which is among ConsumerSearch.com's least expensive region free players). In fact, but CNet.com and ConsumerSearch was rosy about Oppo the past year.

dvd players

Jose Antonio | 1:19 PM  

Hello Rael, actually I didn't know about the existence of that brand. Now I see that there are many options for region free players. Would be good to have the same for PC and Mac as well.

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