(Originally posted on my FaceBook profile)
Well I went from many useful places to not very useful ones, so I would like to make a short resume of a good techno Sunday. The question was: what to do with my old PCs?
- My old Presario 700 came to life with Kubuntu http://www.kubuntu.org/. Runs fast after learning some basics. It will be loaded with educational games from http://gcompris.net/ and after a few small work will be owned by Marko and Andre.
- I have some old desktop PCs that are working perfect. They might need a bit of RAM, cleanup and I will transform them in a NAS http://www.freenas.org/ or network attached storage. Useful for... backups. That free server includes an OS, and includes advanced capabilities as software raid. The backups will be for home and office.
- Grid computing tool BOINC works for joining the processing power of many computers connected to a network. You can create or participate on a volunteer computing project like SETI@Home or http://boinc.berkeley.edu/
projects.php You can help a lot by facilitating computing power for research. - For more powerful but unused computers... I think installing a Linux based Web server makes a lot of sense. I just neet to learn more about that.
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